Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics
          (ISSN 2093-9310, e-ISSN 2287-6235)

Volume 10, No. 2

pp. 193— 342(August 2015)                 Contents


Fuzzy divisible semigroups

Javed Ahsan, Muhammad Shabir

Pages  193-202

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Notes on -soft operator and some counter examples on (supra) soft continuity

A. Kandil, O. A. E. Tantawy, S. A. El-Sheikh, A. M. Abd El-Latif

Pages  203-213

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Intuitionistic fuzzy Baire spaces 

R. Dhavaseelan

Pages  215-219

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On intuitionistic fuzzy soft -closed sets in intuitionistic fuzzy soft topological spaces

Shuker Mahmood Khalil

Pages  221-233

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Note on rough multiset and its multiset topology

S. A. El-Sheikh, A. Zakaria

Pages  235-238

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Fuzzy totally -continuous functions

A. Vadivel, M. Palanisamy

Pages  239-247

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A characterization of fuzzy self centered graphs

Jill K. Mathew, Sunil Mathew

Pages  249-260

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-fuzzy -subalgebras of -algebras

Tapan Senapati

Pages  261-270

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On soft multigroups

Sk. Nazmul, S. K. Samanta

Pages  271-285

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Near semigroups on nearness approximation spaces

Ebubekir İnan, Mehmet Ali Öztürk

Pages  287-297

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On zero-dimensional fuzzy spaces

Mohammad Abry, Jafar Zanjani

Pages  299-308

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Soft points, the structure of soft topological spaces

Ningxin Xie

Pages  309-322

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A note on the lattice of -submodules of a module

Dilek Bayrak, Sultan Yamak

Pages  323-330

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-Synchronized fuzzy automata and their applications

V. Karthikeyan, M. Rajasekar

Pages  331-342

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